How we can help you

Support groups such as ours can be of assistance to people who are concerned about the possibility of developing prostate cancer, or have been diagnosed as having prostate cancer or have undergone treatment for prostate cancer.  

Through a number of our activities members of the group can provide support to others prior to as well as subsequent to any diagnosis or treatment procedure. Some men are unaware of the importance of evaluating the various treatment options that are available and selecting the option that is best for them in view of their particular circumstances. You should give consideration to all the options and talking to people who have been through various procedures and treatment can be very informative. Our members can also make suggestions about reading that you can undertake to become informed about diagnosis and treatment options.  

Initial contact may be made with any of our organisers, or you can simply turn up to one of our regular monthly meetings or coffee and chat mornings. 

Through personal interaction with members of the group you would have the opportunity to:

  • Talk to members who may be able to provide information or support in relation to particular issue
  • Discuss needs, hopes, problems, anxieties and expectations with people who have had similar experiences and who can appreciate what you are going through.
  • Talk to members who have undergone particular diagnostic and treatment procedures and related rehabilitation.
  • Learn how to become more informed about the diagnosis and treatment options and the facilities and medical services that are available.
  • Form an appreciation of what the future may have in store for you in the light of members’ experiences.
  • Listen to informative presentations from medical professionals and participate in discussions with them.
  • Get suggestions about important ‘must-read’ printed and audiovisual materials.
  • Access our library of selected printed and audiovisual materials.
  • Receive our informative monthly newsletter, ‘The Walnut’

In addition to such opportunities for individuals, we are also able to provide informative presentations to associations, workgroups, hobby and recreational groups and provide information tables or stalls at the events of these groups. See ‘Raising awareness of prostate cancer and prostate health‘.