Meetings and Coffee Mornings

Monthly meetings

Our monthly meetings are normally held at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month, except in December when we don’t formally meet. They are normally held in Room 22, Building 1, Pearce Community Centre, 3 Collett Place, Pearce, ACT 2607. Please always check the location of our monthly meeting because it may change for that particular month.

Our next monthly meeting

This month we will be holding our annual general meeting is at 7 pm on WEDNESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER 2024 at our usual location at Pearce.

We will start the meeting around 6:30 pm, with pizzas and soft drinks.

We will then hold our AGM (this should start around 7 pm) and this will be followed by an informal monthly Group meeting

What happens at our meetings

At our meetings, a wide range of topics is discussed in an informal, friendly atmosphere. Those present include men who have undergone the most common treatments for prostate cancer and their partners.  They are willing to discuss their experiences and views with you and to offer support during the diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation phases.  

Our meetings generally last for about two hours, including tea and coffee at the end of the meeting.   Everyone is welcome ― members, non-members, carers, friends, ‘just interested’, etc.

Discussion topics

Discussion covers a wide range of topics including: 

  • risk factors for prostate cancer
  • indicators and detection of prostate cancer (e.g. through PSA testing, DRE, biopsy)
  • treatment options and their availability
  • pre-treatment preparation
  • post-treatment care and rehabilitation
  • management and remediation of any post-treatment side effects (e.g. incontinence or erectile dysfunction)
  • possibility and likelihood of recurrence of prostate cancer after treatment

At most meetings, people who have special expertise in a matter of interest are invited to address the meeting.  Such people include urologists, radiologists, medical oncologists, physiotherapists, prostate cancer nurses, exercise specialists and others.  We thank the very many health professionals who contribute their valuable time to our meetings.

Coffee mornings

Our coffee mornings take place at 10:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month and alternate between the Woden and Jamison venues of the Canberra Southern Cross Club.  All are welcome to attend.

Our next coffee morning

Our next coffee morning will be held at 10 am on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at the Canberra Southern Cross Club, WODEN. Group members are encouraged to come along and share their experiences with men who are starting their treatment journeys. There’s no need to book so please just come along – we’d love you to join us for a chat. The Group meets at the rear of the restaurant. Just look for a group of people at a large table.