Other support

All of the following organisations provide support to men with prostate cancer and their families.

Cancer Council ACT

The Cancer Council ACT is a non government not-for-profit community organisation that aims to promote a healthier community by reducing the incidence and impact of cancer in the ACT region. It is affiliated with the Cancer Council.

Healthy Male

Formerly known as Andrology Australia, Healthy Male is a national organisation that provides easy access to the latest scientific and medical research on male reproductive and sexual health.

Continence Foundation of Australia

The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body promoting bladder and bowel health.

Physiotherapy services

There are several physiotherapists in Canberra who now specialise In providing support for men who are undergoing prostate cancer treatments. Talk to us if you need suggestions on where to go. It is always best to commence pelvic floor exercises before you have your prostate cancer treatment.

Prostate Cancer Counselling Service

The Prostate Cancer Counselling Service or PCCS is Australia’s only specialised nationwide counselling service that is free for you to access.

Cancer Counselling – Canberra Health Services

The ACT Government’s Canberra Health Services provides various cancer services to help in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of cancer-related illnesses. This includes cancer counselling.

Understanding prostate cancer for partners and families

When someone is diagnosed with prostate cancer, their partner, family members and friends will also have to deal with the impact of prostate cancer in their lives.

If you are a partner, family member or friend of someone with prostate cancer, you may find yourself dealing with feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, depression and loss. Many partners, families and friends say they feel as though they are on an emotional rollercoaster. You may experience changes to your lifestyle and relationships. Your life may change quickly with many decisions to be made around work, finances and new roles and responsibilities.

This PCFA booklet will help you understand what your loved one is experiencing. It will also help you to manage the changes in your life that occur as your loved one faces the challenges of prostate cancer.

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia to achieve their best possible mental health. It is a valuable first point of information and support for people with anxiety or depression.

Relationships Australia

For some men and their families, having prostate cancer can put an understandable strain on their relationships. Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. It is a community-based, not-for-profit Australian organisation with no religious affiliations.

Healthcare Consumers Association of the ACT Inc (HCCA)

The HCCA is a health promotion organisation that provides a voice for consumers on local health issues and provides opportunities for health care consumers in the ACT to participate in all levels of health service planning, policy development and decision making.

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)

DVA provides support to current and former serving members and their families and carers through a range of services and payments (including ongoing or one-off payments).

South Australian Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcome Collaborative

While focused on men living in South Australia, the South Australian Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcome Collaborative is a good source of information on prostate cancer.