Raising awareness of prostate cancer and prostate health
In addition to supporting men with prostate cancer and their families on their prostate cancer treatment journey, we undertake awareness raising of prostate cancer and prostate health.
Many men take their health for granted. That is why they often need to be reminded to have regular health checks. Once a man turns 40, he also needs to be aware of prostate cancer risk factors. This, in turn, will help him to decide in cooperation with his doctor when he might want to start monitoring his prostate health more closely (for most men this is when he turns 50). Helping to increase community awareness of prostate health can lead to early detection, monitoring and treatment of prostate cancer.
We provide talks for workplaces and community organisations about prostate cancer and prostate health. We also provide displays about prostate cancer and prostate health and answer questions at events, such as the annual Seniors Expo in the ACT. While we are not medical practitioners, we can provide practical advice about what to do.
If you are interested in having a talk about prostate cancer to your organisation or group or if you would like us to have a display at your group’s events, please contact our President or Secretary.
Presentation at the Department of Human Services -
Presentation at the Cotter Dam construction site -
Canberra Multicultural Festival -
Murrumbateman Field Days